desire lines
audiowalks and live performance
as part of E22: European Capital of Culture
Esch-sur-Alzette, Dudelange, Lasauvgae
november 2021 – july 2022
Desire Lines is a collaborative research and performance project that investigates the choices we make with our feet. We explore how landscape and architecture, and the pathways between, all nurture our imaginations and help us define ourselves in an ever-changing world.
The paths of exploration are the trails referred to as ‘desire lines’ in mapmaking and urban planning. These organic paths haven’t been designed by a human brain, but are created naturally by animals and humans, born of our desire for a shortcut, or simply the unconscious following of paths already taken.
During the research period the team met and interviewed local communities, who were also invited to participate in free workshops. From the collected theatrical and documentary material the artists created a participative, site-specific performance and a number of audiowalks, all of which are feature interviews and binaural field recordings intertwined with new writing and musical compositions.
#walkingart #desirelines #research #choiceswemakewithourfeet #pathways #imagination #trails #mapmaking #organicpaths #shortcut #communities #sitespecific #audiowalks #interviews