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listening points 

a one-to-one listening session over a phone at a specific location 

Work Hard! Play Hard!

june 2020 ​


Come to the listening point which I provide for you and I will come to the one you choose for me. We will call each other and share a listening moment together. Describe what you hear as you are listening and I will describe sounds around me. We will create a mixed soundtrack between our two locations.

​#​listening #deeplistening #onetoone #listeningpoints #listeningsession #ears #soundsaroundme #tuningin #listen #simultaneouslistening #mixedsoundtrack #locationlistening #soundscape

Hleb / 56.0713350, 36.2263327 / 8pm - Alisa / 51.5547492, -0.0650587 / 6pm 

Juliana / 62.0233963, 129.7393214 / 5pm - Alisa / 51.5497966, -0.0754173 / 9am

Sergey / 55.7506382,37.6004354 / 5pm - Alisa / 51.552798, -0.069654 / 3pm

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