self-isolation scores
a series of scores
as part of the digital group exhibition ‘Ways & Means’
Skelf: a virtual project space
july-october 2020
Since the early days of the pandemic I have been creating self-isolation scores, inviting friends to interact with their homes in a playful way. This process invites close attention to our surroundings and a sense of communal purpose between those taking part.The scores appeared on the website and then disappeared. There is no archive. They were coming and going.
#scores #selfisolationscores #waysandmeans #skelf #lookthroughalltheholes #standinthemiddleoftheroom #instructions #thingsareinsidefornow #lockdown #inviting #process #closeattentiontooursurroundings #theveryday #attention #senseofcommunalpurpose #noarchive #theycomeandgo