walk collage
a collective walking project
commissioned by Casson & Friends
december 2020
Co-creators joined a collective WhatsApp group. I invited them to go on a walk wherever they are when they wish.As they walked, they could send audio messages of their actions on the walk, describing them in the present tense.
After two weeks of collecting I edited together a soundtrack using all of the collected audio contributions together, creating a collective #WalkCollage. Now you can go on a walk when you choose, put on the headphones, listen to the instructions in the soundtrack and try to follow them all or just the ones you like, performing a collective #WalkCollage.
→Interview #FriendsFriday 51 – Alisa Olev#walkcollage #collectivewalking #audioinstructions #goonawalk #takeitonawalk #whereareyourfeettakingyoutoday #walkingscore #simultaneouswalking #everyday #walktogether #cocreators #followingfootsteps