tracing the inside

a home performance

Stay LIVE, Performistanbul

may 2020

I used to invite audiences to follow me and trace the exterior of the buildings with their hands to scan and sense the multiple textures, rhythms and surfaces of their architecture. Touch is the way I build my relationship with the outside, the way I experience it on my walks and when practicing parkour. During the lockdown we had to stay at home and when we went outside touching was considered to be dangerous. I could only touch the inside for that time so I was getting to know my room, I walked to all its corners. I wanted to trace it from the inside, following one continuous line, sensing its surfaces, corners, patterns and sounds. As you watched me trace the inside of my home you were invited to go and trace your own. #tracingtheinside #homeperformance #stayhome #selfisolation #scores #scan #trace #textures #newskin #thingsthatmoveareinsidefornow #room #followingtheline #closeduntilfurthernotice #psychogeographiesofselfisolation #thepandemicisaportal